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Saturday, February 13, 2021

How do you cancel a running backup in HANA


Sunday, 25 August 2019

How do you cancel a running backup in HANA

To cancel a running backup, please use the following 3 SQL statements in HANA studio:

1. Get the backup_id of your running backup:

select BACKUP_ID from "SYS"."M_BACKUP_CATALOG" where entry_type_name = 'complete data backup' and state_name = 'running'  order by sys_start_time desc

2. Cancel the backup

backup cancel <backup_id>

3. Confirm the backup has cancelled

select state_name from "SYS"."M_BACKUP_CATALOG" where backup_id = <backup_id>

4. Check to  make sure there are no running backups still

select * from  "SYS"."M_BACKUP_CATALOG" where STATE_NAME = 'running';

If the backup still exists, you can try to cancel the thread through the commands:

From backend Linux

1. As per the SAP Note 2452735 confirm there are no backup currently running.
select * from "SYS"."M_BACKUP_CATALOG" where STATE_NAME = 'running';

2. Run the ps command to get the listing of zombie hdbbackint processes belonging to the database backup

ps -ef | grep hdbbackint | grep COMPLETE

Sending signal 9 using the "kill" command will destroy the process running on the client. 

kill -9 PID

where PID is the process id of the zombie hdbbackint process. 

You will need to be a root user to execute the kill command

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

FAIL: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection refused), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen()



SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12


In the logs there are entries like

018-06-28T03:45:42.719624+02:00 unsinkable_02 lrmd[40931]:   notice: rsc_SAPHana_HAL_HDB00_monitor_61000:211324:stderr [ Error: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection refused), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen() ]

and the SAP Instance cannot be operated by the Cluster for example.

This can affect normal SAP Instances like ASCS/ERS as well as HANA.


Most likely reason for this is that the sapstart service is not running, it can be checked via

   unsinkable_02:~ # /bin/systemctl --no-pager --all list-units | grep sapinit

     sapinit.service        loaded    active   running   LSB: Start the sapstartsrv


     sapinit.service        loaded    active   exited   LSB: Start the sapstartsrv

and in case this returns something like

   sapinit.service       loaded    inactive dead      LSB: Start the sapstartsrv

   sapinit.service          loaded    failed   failed    LSB: Start the sapstartsrv

this can be fixed with

   unsinkable_02:~ # /bin/systemctl restart sapinit.service


The process sapstartsrv which is used for operating the SAP Instances was either killed, stopped or otherwise not available