This trouble ticket was created by SAPup on 20141023123211
SAPup broke during phase SUBMOD_SHDALIASDEL/SCEXEC_DEL_ALI in module MAIN_SHDIMP / Shadow Import
Error Message: 12 processes failed, check 'SCEXEC_D.*' for details
Summary of SAPup:
SAPehpi Release: lmt_007
SAPehpi Version: SAPup release lmt_007 version 47.000
Start Release: 702
Target Release: 740
Summary of host system details:
Start Path: E:\usr\sap\GWD\DVEBMGS00\exe
Kernel Path: E:\usr\sap\GWD\DVEBMGS00\exe
Summary of operating system details:
OS Type: Windows NT X86_64
OS Version: 6.0
Summary of database details:
Database Type: ora
Database Version:
Summary of RFC details:
Client: 000
Destination: GWD
Language: E
System No.: 01
This is E:\SUM\abap\exe\tp.EXE version 380.04.07 (release 720, unicode enabled)
Warning: Parameter DBCONFPATH is no longer used.
E:\SUM\abap\tmp\SLOG740.LOC is already in use (1), I'm waiting 1 sec (20141023123207). My name: pid 7020 on SCMDEV (gwdadm)
E:\SUM\abap\tmp\SLOG740.LOC is already in use (2), I'm waiting 3 sec (20141023123208). My name: pid 7020 on SCMDEV (gwdadm)
TRACE-INFO: 1: [ dev trc,00000] Thu Oct 23 12:32:04 2014 1131 0.001131
TRACE-INFO: 2: [ dev trc,00000] DlLoadLib success: LoadLibrary("dboraslib.dll"), hdl 0, addr 000007FEEC180000
TRACE-INFO: 3: 13 0.001144
TRACE-INFO: 4: [ dev trc,00000] using "E:\SUM\abap\exe\dboraslib.dll" 9 0.001153
TRACE-INFO: 5: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=47=DBSL_CMD_IMP_FUNS_SET) -> changed=30, tagset=1 227 0.001380
TRACE-INFO: 6: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=39=DBSL_CMD_SET_SINGLETASK) 15 0.001395
TRACE-INFO: 7: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET) 14 0.001409
TRACE-INFO: 8: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET) 14 0.001423
TRACE-INFO: 9: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=74=DBSL_CMD_CON_INFO_EXT_SUPPORT) -> rc=0=DBSL_ERR_OK, con_vers=0
TRACE-INFO: 10: 28 0.001451
TRACE-INFO: 11: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=79=DBSL_CMD_CON_INFO_EXT_SUPPORT_FOR_UPGRADE) -> rc=0=DBSL_ERR_OK, con_vers=0
TRACE-INFO: 12: 28 0.001479
TRACE-INFO: 13: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlConnect(vers=0, type=0, env='[default env]', usr='SAPSR3SHD', kernel dbsl='720')
TRACE-INFO: 14: 1767 0.003246
TRACE-INFO: 15: [ dev trc,00000] Prepending C:\oracle\Client\11x_64 to Path. 203 0.003449
TRACE-INFO: 16: [ dev trc,00000] Register application info. 133 0.003582
TRACE-INFO: 17: [ dev trc,00000] Oracle client version:, (dbsl 720 291112, UNICODE[2]) 12334 0.015916
TRACE-INFO: 18: [ dev trc,00000] Detailed Oracle client (patch) info not available. 14 0.015930
TRACE-INFO: 19: [ dev trc,00000] Default connection: tnsname ='GWD' 12 0.015942
TRACE-INFO: 20: [ dev trc,00000] -->oci_initialize(con=0, char='UTF16', nchar='AL16UTF16', nls=-1),uc_ln=2 23 0.015965
TRACE-INFO: 21: [ dev trc,00000] (-) OCIEnvCreate(mode=16384=OCI_UTF16) returned 0 (for default NLS handle) 31071 0.047036
TRACE-INFO: 22: [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrHp=059285F8) 45 0.047081
TRACE-INFO: 23: [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrBt=059298F8) 24 0.047105
TRACE-INFO: 24: [ dev trc,00000] NLS env. settings: lang=41004D00450052004900430041004E00 75 0.047180
TRACE-INFO: 25: [ dev trc,00000] terr=41004D0045005200490043004100 26 0.047206
TRACE-INFO: 26: [ dev trc,00000] char=55005400460031003600 14 0.047220
TRACE-INFO: 27: [ dev trc,00000] Client NLS setting (by OCINlsGetInfo(con=0)): 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF16' 17 0.047237
TRACE-INFO: 28: [ dev trc,00000] charset='UTF16', ncharset='AL16UTF16', UNI_ASC=FALSE 13 0.047250
TRACE-INFO: 29: [ dev trc,00000] Connecting as SAPSR3SHD/<pwd>@GWD on connection 0 (nls 0) ... (dbsl 720 291112, UNICODE[2])
TRACE-INFO: 30: 29 0.047279
TRACE-INFO: 31: [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, con=0, svchp=0592B750) 24 0.047303
TRACE-INFO: 32: [ dev trc,00000] Allocating server context handle 13 0.047316
TRACE-INFO: 33: [ dev trc,00000] Attaching to database server GWD (con=0, svchp=0592B750, srvhp=0592FB70) 33 0.047349
TRACE-INFO: 34: [ dev trc,00000] Thu Oct 23 12:32:07 2014 2920698 2.968047
TRACE-INFO: 35: [ dev trc,00000] Assigning server context 0592FB70 to service context 0592B750 11 2.968058
TRACE-INFO: 36: [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, con=0, usrhp=05987510) 63 2.968121
TRACE-INFO: 37: [ dev trc,00000] Assigning username to user session: con=0, usrhp=05987510 19 2.968140
TRACE-INFO: 38: [ dev trc,00000] Assigning password to user session: con=0, usrhp=05987510 27 2.968167
TRACE-INFO: 39: [ dev trc,00000] Starting user session: OCISessionBegin(con=0, usr='SAPSR3SHD', svc=0592B750, srv=0592FB70, usr=05987510)
TRACE-INFO: 40: 129 2.968296
TRACE-INFO: 41: [ dev trc,00000] OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with -1=OCI_ERROR 6500 2.974796
TRACE-INFO: 42: [ dev trc,00000] OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with SQL error 1017: 109 2.974905
TRACE-INFO: 43: [ dev trc,00000] ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
TRACE-INFO: 44: 23 2.974928
TRACE-INFO: 45: [ dbsloci.,00000] *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with sql error '1017' 24 2.974952
TRACE-INFO: 46: [ dev trc,00000] set_ocica() -> SQL error code 1017 12 2.974964
TRACE-INFO: 47: [ dev trc,00000] -->oci_get_errmsg (con=0, rc=1017) 11 2.974975
TRACE-INFO: 48: [ dev trc,00000] OCIErrorGet -> SQL error code: 1017 87 2.975062
TRACE-INFO: 49: [ dev trc,00000] ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
TRACE-INFO: 50: 19 2.975081
TRACE-INFO: 51: [ dev trc,00000] DbSlConnect(con=0) -> orc=0, 99=DBSL_ERR_DB 13 2.975094
TRACE-INFO: 52: [ dblink ,00000] ***LOG BY2=>sql error 1017 performing CON 32 2.975126
TRACE-INFO: 53: [ dblink ,00000] ***LOG BY0=>ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied 15 2.975141
tp returncode summary:
TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 0
ERRORS: Highest tp internal error was: 0232
tp finished with return code: 232
connect failed
tp=>sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
tp=>sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
ERROR: Connect to GWD failed (20141023123207, probably wrong environment).
SAPup> Process with PID 7020 terminated with status 232 at 20141023123211!
Thu Oct 23 13:15:31 2014
M calling db_connect ...
B Loading DB library 'E:\SUM\abap\exe\dboraslib.dll' ...
B Library 'E:\SUM\abap\exe\dboraslib.dll' loaded
B Version of 'E:\SUM\abap\exe\dboraslib.dll' is "720.00", patchlevel (0.327)
B con_info_ext_support(): DBSL supports extended connect protocol
B ==> connect info for default DB will be read from ssfs
B con_info_exp_support(): profile parameter auth/shadow_upgrade is set
B con_info_ext_support(): DBSL supports extended connect protocol for shadow instance
B ==> Using shadow upgrade key set to get connect info from ssfs
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_datapath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH [rsecssfs.c 4029]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_keypath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH [rsecssfs.c 4038]
N RSecSSFs: Reverting overwriting of profile by different environment (disabled in dw) [rsecssfs.c 4048]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_datapath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH [rsecssfs.c 4029]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_keypath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH [rsecssfs.c 4038]
N RSecSSFs: Reverting overwriting of profile by different environment (disabled in dw) [rsecssfs.c 4048]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_datapath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH [rsecssfs.c 4029]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_keypath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH [rsecssfs.c 4038]
N RSecSSFs: Reverting overwriting of profile by different environment (disabled in dw) [rsecssfs.c 4048]
C Prepending C:\oracle\Client\11x_64 to Path.
C Register application info.
C Oracle client version:, (dbsl 720 291112, UNICODE[2])
C Detailed Oracle client (patch) info not available.
C Client NLS setting (by OCINlsGetInfo(con=0)): 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF16'
C Connecting as SAPSR3SHD/<pwd>@GWD on connection 0 (nls 0) ... (dbsl 720 291112, UNICODE[2])
C Attaching to database server GWD (con=0, svchp=1B353BA0, srvhp=1B354280)
C Starting user session: OCISessionBegin(con=0, usr='SAPSR3SHD', svc=1B353BA0, srv=1B354280, usr=1B46EDC0)
C Thu Oct 23 13:16:32 2014
C OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with SQL error 3113:
C ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
C Server handle (con=0,svchp=1B353BA0,srvhp=1B354280) detached
C *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with sql error '3113'
[dbsloci.c 15284]
B ***LOG BV3=> severe db error 3113 ; work process is stopped [dbsh 1241]
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error 3113 performing CON [dblink 544]
B ***LOG BY0=> ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel [dblink 544]
M ***LOG R19=> ThInit, db_connect ( DB-Connect 000256) [thxxhead.c 1484]
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: db_connect (step 1, th_errno 13, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c 11318]
M Info for wp 0
M pid = 10592
M severity = 0
M status = 0
M stat = WP_NEW
M waiting_for = NO_WAITING
M reqtype = DP_RQ_DIAWP
M act_reqtype = NO_REQTYPE
M req.req_info =
M req.tid = -1
M req.uid = 4294967295
M req.mode = 255
M req.len = 0
M req.rq_id = 65535
M req.rq_source =
M last_tid = 0
M last_uid = 0
M last_mode = 0
M act_cs_count = 0
M csTrack = 0
M csTrackRwExcl = 0
M csTrackRwShrd = 0
M mode_cleaned_counter = 0
M control_flag = 0
M int_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
M ext_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
M int_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
M ext_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
M report = > <
M action = 0
M tab_name = > <
M attachedVm = no VM
M ThIErrHandle: current request:
M -IN-- sender_id ? tid -1 wp_ca_blk -1 wp_id -1
M -IN-- action - uid -1 appc_ca_blk -1 type -
M -IN-- new_stat NO_CHANGE mode 255 len 0 rq_id -1
M *****************************************************************************
M *
M * LOCATION SAP-Server SCMDEV_GWD_01 on host SCMDEV (wp 0)
M * ERROR ThInit: db_connect
M *
M * TIME Thu Oct 23 13:16:32 2014
M * COMPONENT Taskhandler
M * RC 13
M * MODULE thxxhead.c
M * LINE 11599
M *
M *****************************************************************************
M PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
M ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrBtcCallLgCl< for event BEFORE_DUMP
M ThCallHooks: hook >ThrBtcCallLgCl< o.k.
M ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrSaveSPAFields< for event BEFORE_DUMP
M *** ERROR => ThrSaveSPAFields: no valid thr_wpadm [thxxrun1.c 867]
M *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrSaveSPAFields for event BEFORE_DUMP failed [thxxtool3.c 303]
M ThIErrHandle: entering ThSetStatError
M ThIErrHandle: do not call ThrCoreInfo (no_core_info=0, in_dynp_env=0)
M Entering ThReadDetachMode
M call ThrShutDown (1)...
M ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workp. 0 10592) [dpnttool.c 339]
trc file: "dev_ms", trc level: 1, release: "720"
[Thr 6960] Thu Oct 23 13:19:20 2014
[Thr 6960] ms/http_max_clients = 500 -> 500
[Thr 6960] MsSSetTrcLog: trc logging active, max size = 52428800 bytes
systemid 562 (PC with Windows NT)
relno 7200
patchlevel 0
patchno 413
intno 20020600
make multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
pid 10928
[Thr 6960] ***LOG Q01=> MsSInit, MSStart (Msg Server 1 10928) [msxxserv.c 2280]
[Thr 6960] MsInitAclInfo: acl file E:\SUM\abap\GWD\SYS\global\ms_acl_info.DAT not found, unrestricted access
[Thr 6960] MsGetOwnIpAddr: my host addresses are :
[Thr 6960] 1 : [] SCMDEV.geepas.local (HOSTNAME)
[Thr 6960] 2 : [] SCMDEV.geepas.local (LOCALHOST)
[Thr 6960] MsHttpInit: full qualified hostname = SCMDEV.geepas.local
[Thr 6960] HTTP logging is switch off
[Thr 6960] MsHttpOwnDomain: own domain[1] = geepas.local
[Thr 6960] *** I listen to port 3601 (3601) ***
[Thr 6960] CUSTOMER KEY: >F1866472886<
[Thr 6960] build version=720.2013.01.17
[Thr 6692] Thu Oct 23 13:20:59 2014
[Thr 6692] MsSExit: received SIGINT (2)
[Thr 6692] ***LOG Q02=> MsSHalt, MSStop (Msg Server 10928) [msxxserv.c 7631]
Check the User account status: of SAPSR3SHD
SQL> select username,account_status from dba_users;
Reset the password
Change the Password in SQL Pluse
SQL> alter user SAPSR3SHD identified by <password>
Also reset passwor in Br connect:
brconnect -u / -f chpass -o SAPSR3SHD -p passowrd
And copy SSF file from
E:\usr\sap\GWD\SYS\global\security\rsecssfs\data\SSFS_GWD to
And restart the shadow instance service and start the instance
And check the password in sapuser table
open command prompt and execute below:
sqlplus /
select * from sapuser;
This trouble ticket was created by SAPup on 20141023123211
SAPup broke during phase SUBMOD_SHDALIASDEL/SCEXEC_DEL_ALI in module MAIN_SHDIMP / Shadow Import
Error Message: 12 processes failed, check 'SCEXEC_D.*' for details
Summary of SAPup:
SAPehpi Release: lmt_007
SAPehpi Version: SAPup release lmt_007 version 47.000
Start Release: 702
Target Release: 740
Summary of host system details:
Start Path: E:\usr\sap\GWD\DVEBMGS00\exe
Kernel Path: E:\usr\sap\GWD\DVEBMGS00\exe
Summary of operating system details:
OS Type: Windows NT X86_64
OS Version: 6.0
Summary of database details:
Database Type: ora
Database Version:
Summary of RFC details:
Client: 000
Destination: GWD
Language: E
System No.: 01
This is E:\SUM\abap\exe\tp.EXE version 380.04.07 (release 720, unicode enabled)
Warning: Parameter DBCONFPATH is no longer used.
E:\SUM\abap\tmp\SLOG740.LOC is already in use (1), I'm waiting 1 sec (20141023123207). My name: pid 7020 on SCMDEV (gwdadm)
E:\SUM\abap\tmp\SLOG740.LOC is already in use (2), I'm waiting 3 sec (20141023123208). My name: pid 7020 on SCMDEV (gwdadm)
TRACE-INFO: 1: [ dev trc,00000] Thu Oct 23 12:32:04 2014 1131 0.001131
TRACE-INFO: 2: [ dev trc,00000] DlLoadLib success: LoadLibrary("dboraslib.dll"), hdl 0, addr 000007FEEC180000
TRACE-INFO: 3: 13 0.001144
TRACE-INFO: 4: [ dev trc,00000] using "E:\SUM\abap\exe\dboraslib.dll" 9 0.001153
TRACE-INFO: 5: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=47=DBSL_CMD_IMP_FUNS_SET) -> changed=30, tagset=1 227 0.001380
TRACE-INFO: 6: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=39=DBSL_CMD_SET_SINGLETASK) 15 0.001395
TRACE-INFO: 7: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET) 14 0.001409
TRACE-INFO: 8: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET) 14 0.001423
TRACE-INFO: 9: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=74=DBSL_CMD_CON_INFO_EXT_SUPPORT) -> rc=0=DBSL_ERR_OK, con_vers=0
TRACE-INFO: 10: 28 0.001451
TRACE-INFO: 11: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=79=DBSL_CMD_CON_INFO_EXT_SUPPORT_FOR_UPGRADE) -> rc=0=DBSL_ERR_OK, con_vers=0
TRACE-INFO: 12: 28 0.001479
TRACE-INFO: 13: [ dev trc,00000] -->DbSlConnect(vers=0, type=0, env='[default env]', usr='SAPSR3SHD', kernel dbsl='720')
TRACE-INFO: 14: 1767 0.003246
TRACE-INFO: 15: [ dev trc,00000] Prepending C:\oracle\Client\11x_64 to Path. 203 0.003449
TRACE-INFO: 16: [ dev trc,00000] Register application info. 133 0.003582
TRACE-INFO: 17: [ dev trc,00000] Oracle client version:, (dbsl 720 291112, UNICODE[2]) 12334 0.015916
TRACE-INFO: 18: [ dev trc,00000] Detailed Oracle client (patch) info not available. 14 0.015930
TRACE-INFO: 19: [ dev trc,00000] Default connection: tnsname ='GWD' 12 0.015942
TRACE-INFO: 20: [ dev trc,00000] -->oci_initialize(con=0, char='UTF16', nchar='AL16UTF16', nls=-1),uc_ln=2 23 0.015965
TRACE-INFO: 21: [ dev trc,00000] (-) OCIEnvCreate(mode=16384=OCI_UTF16) returned 0 (for default NLS handle) 31071 0.047036
TRACE-INFO: 22: [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrHp=059285F8) 45 0.047081
TRACE-INFO: 23: [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrBt=059298F8) 24 0.047105
TRACE-INFO: 24: [ dev trc,00000] NLS env. settings: lang=41004D00450052004900430041004E00 75 0.047180
TRACE-INFO: 25: [ dev trc,00000] terr=41004D0045005200490043004100 26 0.047206
TRACE-INFO: 26: [ dev trc,00000] char=55005400460031003600 14 0.047220
TRACE-INFO: 27: [ dev trc,00000] Client NLS setting (by OCINlsGetInfo(con=0)): 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF16' 17 0.047237
TRACE-INFO: 28: [ dev trc,00000] charset='UTF16', ncharset='AL16UTF16', UNI_ASC=FALSE 13 0.047250
TRACE-INFO: 29: [ dev trc,00000] Connecting as SAPSR3SHD/<pwd>@GWD on connection 0 (nls 0) ... (dbsl 720 291112, UNICODE[2])
TRACE-INFO: 30: 29 0.047279
TRACE-INFO: 31: [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, con=0, svchp=0592B750) 24 0.047303
TRACE-INFO: 32: [ dev trc,00000] Allocating server context handle 13 0.047316
TRACE-INFO: 33: [ dev trc,00000] Attaching to database server GWD (con=0, svchp=0592B750, srvhp=0592FB70) 33 0.047349
TRACE-INFO: 34: [ dev trc,00000] Thu Oct 23 12:32:07 2014 2920698 2.968047
TRACE-INFO: 35: [ dev trc,00000] Assigning server context 0592FB70 to service context 0592B750 11 2.968058
TRACE-INFO: 36: [ dev trc,00000] OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, con=0, usrhp=05987510) 63 2.968121
TRACE-INFO: 37: [ dev trc,00000] Assigning username to user session: con=0, usrhp=05987510 19 2.968140
TRACE-INFO: 38: [ dev trc,00000] Assigning password to user session: con=0, usrhp=05987510 27 2.968167
TRACE-INFO: 39: [ dev trc,00000] Starting user session: OCISessionBegin(con=0, usr='SAPSR3SHD', svc=0592B750, srv=0592FB70, usr=05987510)
TRACE-INFO: 40: 129 2.968296
TRACE-INFO: 41: [ dev trc,00000] OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with -1=OCI_ERROR 6500 2.974796
TRACE-INFO: 42: [ dev trc,00000] OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with SQL error 1017: 109 2.974905
TRACE-INFO: 43: [ dev trc,00000] ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
TRACE-INFO: 44: 23 2.974928
TRACE-INFO: 45: [ dbsloci.,00000] *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with sql error '1017' 24 2.974952
TRACE-INFO: 46: [ dev trc,00000] set_ocica() -> SQL error code 1017 12 2.974964
TRACE-INFO: 47: [ dev trc,00000] -->oci_get_errmsg (con=0, rc=1017) 11 2.974975
TRACE-INFO: 48: [ dev trc,00000] OCIErrorGet -> SQL error code: 1017 87 2.975062
TRACE-INFO: 49: [ dev trc,00000] ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
TRACE-INFO: 50: 19 2.975081
TRACE-INFO: 51: [ dev trc,00000] DbSlConnect(con=0) -> orc=0, 99=DBSL_ERR_DB 13 2.975094
TRACE-INFO: 52: [ dblink ,00000] ***LOG BY2=>sql error 1017 performing CON 32 2.975126
TRACE-INFO: 53: [ dblink ,00000] ***LOG BY0=>ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied 15 2.975141
tp returncode summary:
TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 0
ERRORS: Highest tp internal error was: 0232
tp finished with return code: 232
connect failed
tp=>sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
tp=>sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
ERROR: Connect to GWD failed (20141023123207, probably wrong environment).
SAPup> Process with PID 7020 terminated with status 232 at 20141023123211!
Thu Oct 23 13:15:31 2014
M calling db_connect ...
B Loading DB library 'E:\SUM\abap\exe\dboraslib.dll' ...
B Library 'E:\SUM\abap\exe\dboraslib.dll' loaded
B Version of 'E:\SUM\abap\exe\dboraslib.dll' is "720.00", patchlevel (0.327)
B con_info_ext_support(): DBSL supports extended connect protocol
B ==> connect info for default DB will be read from ssfs
B con_info_exp_support(): profile parameter auth/shadow_upgrade is set
B con_info_ext_support(): DBSL supports extended connect protocol for shadow instance
B ==> Using shadow upgrade key set to get connect info from ssfs
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_datapath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH [rsecssfs.c 4029]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_keypath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH [rsecssfs.c 4038]
N RSecSSFs: Reverting overwriting of profile by different environment (disabled in dw) [rsecssfs.c 4048]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_datapath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH [rsecssfs.c 4029]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_keypath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH [rsecssfs.c 4038]
N RSecSSFs: Reverting overwriting of profile by different environment (disabled in dw) [rsecssfs.c 4048]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_datapath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH [rsecssfs.c 4029]
N RSecSSFs: Configuration value "rsec/ssfs_keypath" from profile explicitly overwritten by different value in environment variable RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH [rsecssfs.c 4038]
N RSecSSFs: Reverting overwriting of profile by different environment (disabled in dw) [rsecssfs.c 4048]
C Prepending C:\oracle\Client\11x_64 to Path.
C Register application info.
C Oracle client version:, (dbsl 720 291112, UNICODE[2])
C Detailed Oracle client (patch) info not available.
C Client NLS setting (by OCINlsGetInfo(con=0)): 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF16'
C Connecting as SAPSR3SHD/<pwd>@GWD on connection 0 (nls 0) ... (dbsl 720 291112, UNICODE[2])
C Attaching to database server GWD (con=0, svchp=1B353BA0, srvhp=1B354280)
C Starting user session: OCISessionBegin(con=0, usr='SAPSR3SHD', svc=1B353BA0, srv=1B354280, usr=1B46EDC0)
C Thu Oct 23 13:16:32 2014
C OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with SQL error 3113:
C ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
C Server handle (con=0,svchp=1B353BA0,srvhp=1B354280) detached
C *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with sql error '3113'
[dbsloci.c 15284]
B ***LOG BV3=> severe db error 3113 ; work process is stopped [dbsh 1241]
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error 3113 performing CON [dblink 544]
B ***LOG BY0=> ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel [dblink 544]
M ***LOG R19=> ThInit, db_connect ( DB-Connect 000256) [thxxhead.c 1484]
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: db_connect (step 1, th_errno 13, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c 11318]
M Info for wp 0
M pid = 10592
M severity = 0
M status = 0
M stat = WP_NEW
M waiting_for = NO_WAITING
M reqtype = DP_RQ_DIAWP
M act_reqtype = NO_REQTYPE
M req.req_info =
M req.tid = -1
M req.uid = 4294967295
M req.mode = 255
M req.len = 0
M req.rq_id = 65535
M req.rq_source =
M last_tid = 0
M last_uid = 0
M last_mode = 0
M act_cs_count = 0
M csTrack = 0
M csTrackRwExcl = 0
M csTrackRwShrd = 0
M mode_cleaned_counter = 0
M control_flag = 0
M int_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
M ext_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
M int_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
M ext_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
M report = > <
M action = 0
M tab_name = > <
M attachedVm = no VM
M ThIErrHandle: current request:
M -IN-- sender_id ? tid -1 wp_ca_blk -1 wp_id -1
M -IN-- action - uid -1 appc_ca_blk -1 type -
M -IN-- new_stat NO_CHANGE mode 255 len 0 rq_id -1
M *****************************************************************************
M *
M * LOCATION SAP-Server SCMDEV_GWD_01 on host SCMDEV (wp 0)
M * ERROR ThInit: db_connect
M *
M * TIME Thu Oct 23 13:16:32 2014
M * COMPONENT Taskhandler
M * RC 13
M * MODULE thxxhead.c
M * LINE 11599
M *
M *****************************************************************************
M PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
M ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrBtcCallLgCl< for event BEFORE_DUMP
M ThCallHooks: hook >ThrBtcCallLgCl< o.k.
M ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrSaveSPAFields< for event BEFORE_DUMP
M *** ERROR => ThrSaveSPAFields: no valid thr_wpadm [thxxrun1.c 867]
M *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrSaveSPAFields for event BEFORE_DUMP failed [thxxtool3.c 303]
M ThIErrHandle: entering ThSetStatError
M ThIErrHandle: do not call ThrCoreInfo (no_core_info=0, in_dynp_env=0)
M Entering ThReadDetachMode
M call ThrShutDown (1)...
M ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workp. 0 10592) [dpnttool.c 339]
trc file: "dev_ms", trc level: 1, release: "720"
[Thr 6960] Thu Oct 23 13:19:20 2014
[Thr 6960] ms/http_max_clients = 500 -> 500
[Thr 6960] MsSSetTrcLog: trc logging active, max size = 52428800 bytes
systemid 562 (PC with Windows NT)
relno 7200
patchlevel 0
patchno 413
intno 20020600
make multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
pid 10928
[Thr 6960] ***LOG Q01=> MsSInit, MSStart (Msg Server 1 10928) [msxxserv.c 2280]
[Thr 6960] MsInitAclInfo: acl file E:\SUM\abap\GWD\SYS\global\ms_acl_info.DAT not found, unrestricted access
[Thr 6960] MsGetOwnIpAddr: my host addresses are :
[Thr 6960] 1 : [] SCMDEV.geepas.local (HOSTNAME)
[Thr 6960] 2 : [] SCMDEV.geepas.local (LOCALHOST)
[Thr 6960] MsHttpInit: full qualified hostname = SCMDEV.geepas.local
[Thr 6960] HTTP logging is switch off
[Thr 6960] MsHttpOwnDomain: own domain[1] = geepas.local
[Thr 6960] *** I listen to port 3601 (3601) ***
[Thr 6960] CUSTOMER KEY: >F1866472886<
[Thr 6960] build version=720.2013.01.17
[Thr 6692] Thu Oct 23 13:20:59 2014
[Thr 6692] MsSExit: received SIGINT (2)
[Thr 6692] ***LOG Q02=> MsSHalt, MSStop (Msg Server 10928) [msxxserv.c 7631]
Check the User account status: of SAPSR3SHD
SQL> select username,account_status from dba_users;
Reset the password
Change the Password in SQL Pluse
SQL> alter user SAPSR3SHD identified by <password>
Also reset passwor in Br connect:
brconnect -u / -f chpass -o SAPSR3SHD -p passowrd
And copy SSF file from
E:\usr\sap\GWD\SYS\global\security\rsecssfs\data\SSFS_GWD to
And restart the shadow instance service and start the instance
And check the password in sapuser table
open command prompt and execute below:
sqlplus /
select * from sapuser;